Once in a while a board game arrives that combines complete simplicity with brilliant game design ¿ welcome to Callisto. Callisto will have everyone in your family enthralled from young to old. It's very easy to learn (just one small page of rules) but uses strategic skills dexterity and a bit of luck to master. The game was designed by the world's most accomplished game inventor Reiner Knizia. He has won major international board game awards including the most influential the Spiel des Jahr in Germany 2008. ; ; Object of the Game ; The object of the game is to get rid of all of your coloured tiles onto the game board. Each tile you place must always be positioned next to another tile (or pillar) of your colour. When placing your tiles you don't just want to cover the most area you'll want to block other players from doing so too. Any tiles left unplaced at the end of the game score points based on their size and the player with the lowest number of points wins the game. ; ; How to Play ; Before starting you must each choose a tile colour and take all 18 tiles and 3 pillars of your colour. Place the appropriate background (based on number of players) into the bottom of the transparent board. Start off by each placing two pillars onto the board. You can then start taking in turns to place your tiles – using the pillars as a starting point to build around. There are only two rules for placement of tiles: ; ; Rule 1: Tiles must either be placed next to a pillar or another piece of the same colour (side to side not corner to corner). ; ; Rule 2: In a 2 or 3 player game players may not place tiles covering any part of the darker outer area (placement of tiles on the darker centre section is allowed). ; ; Your 3rd pillar can be placed on any turn and can be very useful later in the game should other players block you in. Play finishes when nobody can play any more pieces on the board. At this point add up the number of dots on each player's remaining tiles to establish scores; the lowest points total wins that game. Play as many games as there are players and the person with the lowest overall score is the winner. For ages 7 & up.
Callisto Strategy Game