Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Gunship Easykit

During the Clone Wars the LAAT series gunships were designed to transport up to 30 clone troopers into combat and support them. It also had a rear hangar that could hold up to 4 speeder bikes to support reconnaissance operations or search and rescue missions. Early LAAT were in-atmosphere-only vehicles requiring cruisers to land somewhere on the planet in order to launch. Although with their range it was common practice for cruisers to dip into the atmosphere let the LAAT fly to the target zone and be gone before combat even started. With an array of long and short range weapons systems it was designed for both air-to-air and air-to-air combat making it the ideal transport for most situations. ; ; ; ; Quick snap together assembly no gluing required. No painting – multicolored painted parts. Optional landing gear open or closed opening canopy to show detailed cockpit and figure plus display stand.



